Thursday, April 14, 2011

Count It

I feel like I owe an apology. I'm not sure who to... to our readers, to our mothers, but mostly to my own personal guilt for not writing when I said I would write at least twice a month. So I apologize for leaving the past 3 months blank. To make up for lost time, I am going to recount the past 3 months in less than 300 words, starting now:

On New Year's Eve 2010, The Princess and Pugs rolled into Burlington just as the fireworks were reaching their finale over Lake Champlain. Exhausted and dirty we could do little more than stumble from our cars to the comfort of mother's guest bed. And so it was, me with a broken arm (sore from 4 days of driving), a couple of Vicodin and a bottle of wine, that Jeremy and I kicked off the New Year.

Life began immediately:

We moved into our new apartment. Jeremy started coaching for Mad River Glen and cooking at the Village Cup. I resumed my position at Seventh Generation and enrolled in a night class at CCV. Maiden got a little fatter. Jeremy got a little skinnier. And I think we all got a little happier.

The wedding plans have been coming along with a little more ease. Monday night is our dedicated 'Wedding Planning Night' and I've started recruiting girls on Fridays for 'Wine & Wedding Crafts.' My bi-weekly wedding freak-outs have started to wane. Especially after spending an amazing 24-hours of dress shopping & bachelorette banching in NYC with my girls.

Some of you may have caught word of The Refuge. This is our new baby (now that our plants have all died and Maiden is almost 1 year old) and, as babies do, it has changed our lives. And you know what that means.... We're moving! Again! Although this time it's just across town and to somewhere with a nursery - oops, I mean office.

So there you have it: 3 months in 300 words. Today, I am in love with Vermont, and even more in love with Jeremy for being here with me.