Friday, December 17, 2010

New Moves

It's nearly Christmas now and almost two months since our last post. I hope our avid readers will forgive the temporary absence. In defense, I must admit that Jeremy and I have finally encountered some "speed bumps" along our "highway to heaven." Consequently, we've made the decision to move back to Vermont before the New Year. Of course this was not an easy decision -- one we are still trying to digest -- but considering the alternatives, it was the best we could do.



... AND Cristin & Andy are here!! They drove across the country last month for a 6-week ski vacation and have been living in our little home in between runs. It's been so nice having them here. Andy taught Maiden how to play "Fetch." Cristin and I discovered Hot Yoga and have been reluctantly trying to avoid adopting more baby animals from the shelter. Jeremy and Andy have been skiing almost every day. Apparently some of the best conditions in years. There have been nights of good food and cheap drinks, and days of hot springs and Christmas tree decorating. Be sure to ask Cristin about the time the Moose ran over her ski tips.

Unfortunately Cristin & Andy leave in a few days to have Christmas in Boston, but lucky for us they're being replaced by Mel & Mike! We'll keep you posted on our 1st Christmas without family and the Great Migration Home!

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