Sunday, June 20, 2010

Me to We

Jeremy and I have been living together for almost 2 weeks now. And if starting a blog together wasn't enough, we've also exchanged car keys, opened a joint bank account and signed up for a "couples" membership at the gym. Everyone here knows me as Jeremy's girlfriend. And now, if Jeremy goes anywhere without me the first question is always, "where's Julie?"

We're officially a "we," aren't we?

Our house is perfect; a perfect blend of him and me. Everything was done in perfect harmony, from hanging pictures and moving furniture to stocking our fridge and shopping for plants. This is Our house, with Our bed, Our books and Our toaster oven.

But we aren't always together either. Jeremy works full time at the restaurant, so I've been eating most of my dinners alone. I'm going to start doing some volunteer hiking & GPS work for the Wyoming Wilderness Association and Jeremy has started volunteering twice a week at the Latino Resource Center (dónde él habla español).

On our days off, Jeremy's been showing me around: hiking up to some mountain lakes, touring around the village farmer's market and introducing me to the best mexican popsicles in town. Yesterday, we went to the Alternative Healthcare Project hosted by the LRC. Jeremy said we were signed up for free massages, but when we got there the physicians were armed and ready with needles..... Turns out I'm not so into acupuncture. Twenty minutes of laying on my back, body twitching with needles in my wrists, ankles, shins, stomach and abdomen, was more than enough for me. They told me I looked "generally unhealthy", which felt like getting told you look tired when you're not. But at least we got a good laugh and some Chinese Herbs out of it.

So life is good in Jackson Hole. Jeremy and I are having an amazing time together. Everything from making breakfast to making the bed is more fun now.

I have fallen in love the "we," "us" and "our" of this new life.

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