Friday, July 2, 2010

A New Taste of The Tetons

We have been here for a little over 3 weeks now and I feel like we are both starting to experience the full flavor of the Tetons. This makes perfect sense for Julie cause she just started living here, but I have been here for 4 years now and I am just starting to taste the Tetons. I am perceiving them in a whole new light because I am experiencing them with my partner. I am not just looking at them through my eyes, but I am looking at them through OUR eyes. For me, this feels great. A few days ago we drove up to the Granite Hot Springs in the Gros Ventre Mountains. I had been there last year, but on this time I was looking at the landscape and thinking about all the possibilities for us, and they were nearly endless. Normally I would drive up to these gorgeous hot springs and relax in them and then drive back home. However, this time my mind was racing with ideas of spending days relaxing by the river, camping out, hiking, and doing myriad of nothing with nobody else except each other.

I have a very established life here in Jackson, and I know this has been hard for Julie to become accustomed to. It can be a scary thing to just pick up and move to a place where your lover has been living for years. I know that some days are better than others for Julie here in Jackson, but I have noticed that the good days are not only becoming better, but they are more frequent as well. Julie is doing an amazing job acclimating herself here and adjusting to our new lifestyle in this new place. In usual fashion she has landed herself a job with the Wyoming Wilderness Association. Originally she interviewed for a volunteer position, but they loved her so much they just needed to have her on as a payed employee. Sometimes I ask myself, "how did I happen to land this incredibly talented, smart, charismatic, and gorgeous woman known as Julie Fucking Marks." She makes me feel secure.

I coached my first of two bike camps last week as well. It went really well and the pay is great. Not that I will be seeing much of my hard earned money cause every cent is going to the IRS... gotta pay the taxes. I have never felt better on my bike and it was going so well until two days ago I sprained my ankle biking. I realize now how precious my body is for earning my needed income. I could not work last night because I could not walk. I will heal though, and I plan a full recovery.

Two nights ago we had a joint birthday party for me and my friends Ryan and Derek. We camped out on top of Shadow Mountain, built a fire, had some drinks, enjoyed the incredible views and great people. The night could not have been better. We even got see a lightning show over the Tetons in the distance. Again, this night was incredible and unique for me. I was experiencing my home here in an entirely new light because Julie was by my side. She has enhanced my life here and completed me. Now I am a member of a two person team while doing my everyday activities because she is a part of them. I first arrived here 4 years ago, and I am finally tasting the full flavor of the Tetons.


  1. Jeremy and Julie!

    I just returned from St. John and was finally able to catch up on your blogs. You two sound so happy! I can't wait to see y'all during christmas!!


    p.s. Mike says hi!

  2. I love how the toe pictures are evolving from single to double. Love you, Mom

  3. The toe pictures were double...back in the day! <3
